Our Blog Address

Our Blogs: http://peterjudyweber.blogspot.com/


NOTE: We will be primarily using the Facebook Blog (see link below) for our trip to Vancouver Island.


Peter - peterweber479@gmail.com

Judy - jkweber43@gmail.com

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Winding down 2012 at MacGregor Point Provincial Park

As we approach the end of the year 2012, MacGregor Point Provincial Park is coming to life.  This morning we awoke to see three deer at our camp site.  As the day passed the yurts began filling up and a number of RV's, tenters and "Winter Warriors" have arrived.  Families with children are noticeably visible, enjoying the outdoors and soaking up the beauty of the Park. The skating oval has been flooded and the park staff are hoping to have it open for New Year's Eve but of course that will depend upon the weather during the next two days. 

Host site #71

Nicely decorated site

Another colorful site

Judy heading back to the RV

Porcupine tracks

Slate Colored Junco

Downie Woodpecker

Cottontail Rabbit on our site

Flying Squirrel on one of our window feeders
A morning visit from some deer

Where`s the picnic?

Skating Oval waiting to be opened

Enjoying the fresh snow (note the steering wheel reflection in windshield)

Next generation of winter campers

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wildlife at MacGregor Point Provincial Park

Since arriving at MacGregor Point Provincial Park on Christmas Day the birds have been noticeably absent.  A pair of Cardinals and the occasional Chickadee were the only ones to visit our feeders.  Lucy (a friend who spent numerous winters in the Park) has a theory that the birds go into "hiding mode" when a storm is approaching.  Although the worst of the storm passed South of us, we did get about 2.5" to 3" of fresh snow overnight and behold, the birds reappeared this morning, proving that Lucy's theory is correct. 

In spite of the birds being absent for two days, we did have a visit from five deer on Christmas night and were entertained by a flying squirrel for an hour or more last night.  We got a new camera for Christmas and hope you enjoy some of the photos in this blog posting.  The Park has been very quiet but the yurts appear to be filling up this afternoon, so this may be the end of our wildlife pictures for now.

Inquisitive deer on Christmas night

Red Squirrel on our picnic table

Flying Squirrel

Blue Jay on one of our feeders


Red Breasted Nuthatch

White Breasted Nuthatch
Male Cardinal on Christmas day

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012 at MacGregor Point Provincial Park

 Merry Christmas to our friends, family and other visitors to this blog.  May you join us in the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and feel the peace that he offers to each one of us.

After celebrating Christmas with our family on Sunday, we arrived early this afternoon at MacGregor Point Provincial Park.  We will be here on site #61 until New Year's Day.

Our Christmas message to other campers

Not much snow, but at least the ground is white
Waiting for the birds to arrive


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Winter Warriors Pot Luck Supper at MacGregor Pt. PP

Last evening the MacGregor Point Winter Warriors held a pot luck supper at the Visitor Centre in the Park.  It was well attended and as usual there was plenty of food.  Park Superintendent Keith Early gave a brief address to the group concerning the importance of winter programs in the grand scheme of Ontario Parks, especially at a time when the government is looking for potential cutbacks.

By the time we went to bed last evening the rain had started and continued throughout the night with strong winds and +10 C temperatures.  The snow that fell earlier in the week is now gone.  Aside from the Winter Warriors, there are very few campers in the park so we took the opportunity to run / warm up the diesel engine for a half hour.

We'll be heading back to Waterloo in a couple of hours and don't expect to return until Christmas.  Hopefully there will be snow on the ground when we return and most of the yurts and campsites filled.  Meanwhile, here's wishing a Merry Christmas to everyone and Peace on Earth. 

What's the big joke?

Winter Warriors pot luck supper

Peace on Earth and at Site #61

Snow in our back yard, November 24

Konijn checking our our new Christmas tree

Sunday, November 18, 2012

MacGregor Point PP - Where is Everyone?

Where are all the campers?  Aside from a bus load of school children, only 2 or 3 other yurts appear to have been filled.    Less than half a dozen Winter Warriors in the park but the warmer weather appears to have attracted a few "tenters".

Last evening around supper time a pack of coyotes were howling not too far from Birch Boulevard campground.  Good reason for people to keep their dogs on a leash.

The Park staff have placed fresh gravel on the pad where the skating / skiing change house will be situated.  The change house is waiting in the parking lot and by our next arrival will likely be in its winter spot.

Just a reminder that the pot luck dinner for Winter Warriors is now scheduled for December 1 at the visitor centre.

Tents on our loop

Another Winter Warrior arrival this past week

Scene from path through Ash Woods

Change house waiting to be placed on its winter location

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ready for Winter at MacGregor Point

On Friday, November 2 we arrived at MacGregor Point Provincial Park for the 2012-2013 on-site winter camping program.  We were able to erect the usual wooden supports on the roof of our RV and install the protective tarp. This weekend we added a few more ropes to secure the tarp, strung power cords through the trees, and winterized the plumbing system.

On Saturday morning we heard what appeared to be a fire truck coming into the park and it seemed to go into the Ash Woods campground.  Later in the day we learned that a Class C motorhome had burned on site 26 while the occupants were hiking.  Apparently a father and son had arrived late morning in the borrowed motorhome, made themselves some lunch and then left for a hike.  Other campers first noticed smoke coming from the unit and then flames.  Fortunately nobody was injured but while the unit burned there was some concern as to whether anybody was inside. 

Birch Boulevard campground appeared to be full this weekend with "overflow" campers being directed to the Ash Woods campground.  With lots of activity in the park, deer sightings seemed to be fewer than usual. However, we did see a flying squirrel both evenings at our campsite, as well as a grouse this afternoon.

We understand that of the 26 designated on-site winter program campsites, 24 have now been filled.  On Saturday, November 24 the "winter warriors" (i.e., participants in the on-site winter program) are having a potluck dinner at the Visitors' Centre. 

Class C Motorhome remains at site 26 in Ash Woods

Front view of burned out motorhome "shell"

Grouse and Blue Jay sharing a meal

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Winter Preparations at MacGregor Point

On Friday afternoon we arrived at MacGregor Point Provincial Park for the beginning of the 2012-2013 on-site winter camping program which runs from November 1, 2012 to April 15, 2013.  Although the weather was a bit cool and sometimes damp, we were able to assemble our protective covering for the RV and to string some bird feeders.

Many of last year's "Winter Warriors" have returned and there are quite a number of newcomers as well.  Earlier in the week we were told that 23 sites had already been booked for this year's program and I believe that at least one more site was booked on the weekend.  We are fortunate to once again be on site 61 which we have occupied for each of the past three winters.  The Birch Boulevard campground appeared to be fully occupied, including the many Yurts.

Now all we need is a "real winter", unlike the one we had last year.

Stringing the bird feeders

It didn't take long for the birds to arrive
Ready for the tarp to be placed

Trailer with "mud room"
They come in all sizes

Baseball game in progress near our site.
Note the 2 x 4 instead of a bat.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Winding Down at Mew Lake

Tomorrow we will be heading for home, so today has been designated for cleaning, checking equipment and just plain relaxing.  The birds are also on their way south as we have seen as many as 50 to 60 Grackles and 15 Blue Jays cleaning up bird seed that has fallen from the feeders.  While eating lunch today we also saw a Pine Marten running through the brush between our campsite and site # 2.

We have really enjoyed our stay at Mew Lake campground in Algonquin Provincial Park.  We prefer to sleep with a bedroom window open and consequently have heard wolves howling on several occasions.  The last couple of days we have been blessed with sunshine which really brings out the fall colours.  Today has been somewhat overcast, to the dismay of visitors that are only here for the weekend.  Tomorrow`s forecast also includes some rain.

Yesterday we drove to Huntsville for lunch and took the opportunity to "scout out" suitable campsites at Arrowhead Provincial Park, sites that would accommodate our 38 ft. RV and also (with a bit of luck), possible access to satellite television with our Bell ExpressVu satellite dish. The campground is very heavily forested with Maple, White Birch and other deciduous trees so there is plenty of shade but few openings in the canopy to enable the use of a TV satellite dish.  However, white tail deer do like the area and it is not uncommon to see them near or on your campsite.  While in the park we did see three full grown deer on a path near Big East River.

Spruce Bog boardwalk

View of Spruce Bog

Algonquin Park Visitor Centre
Ruffled Grouse on access road

More Hiway #60 scenery

Heading eastward on Hwy #60
Tea Lake Dam

View from Hiway #60

View of Mew Lake from campsite #76