Our Blog Address

Our Blogs: http://peterjudyweber.blogspot.com/


NOTE: We will be primarily using the Facebook Blog (see link below) for our trip to Vancouver Island.


Peter - peterweber479@gmail.com

Judy - jkweber43@gmail.com

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Winter Warriors Pot Luck Supper at MacGregor Pt. PP

Last evening the MacGregor Point Winter Warriors held a pot luck supper at the Visitor Centre in the Park.  It was well attended and as usual there was plenty of food.  Park Superintendent Keith Early gave a brief address to the group concerning the importance of winter programs in the grand scheme of Ontario Parks, especially at a time when the government is looking for potential cutbacks.

By the time we went to bed last evening the rain had started and continued throughout the night with strong winds and +10 C temperatures.  The snow that fell earlier in the week is now gone.  Aside from the Winter Warriors, there are very few campers in the park so we took the opportunity to run / warm up the diesel engine for a half hour.

We'll be heading back to Waterloo in a couple of hours and don't expect to return until Christmas.  Hopefully there will be snow on the ground when we return and most of the yurts and campsites filled.  Meanwhile, here's wishing a Merry Christmas to everyone and Peace on Earth. 

What's the big joke?

Winter Warriors pot luck supper

Peace on Earth and at Site #61

Snow in our back yard, November 24

Konijn checking our our new Christmas tree

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