Our Blog Address

Our Blogs: http://peterjudyweber.blogspot.com/


NOTE: We will be primarily using the Facebook Blog (see link below) for our trip to Vancouver Island.


Peter - peterweber479@gmail.com

Judy - jkweber43@gmail.com

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas at MacGregor Point Provincial Park

Wishing you a belated Merry Christmas from site # 61 at MacGregor Point Provincial Park.  It appears that the Park missed most of the ice storm we had in Waterloo earlier this week.  As we passed through the Drayton area yesterday (about a half hour from Waterloo) it became obvious that the ice coating on trees, hydro wires, etc. was heavier and the tree damage much worse than we experienced in Waterloo.

The Park had more than a foot of accumulated snow on the ground when we arrived early yesterday afternoon and it has been snowing steadily since we awoke this morning.  It's very beautiful.  The Skating Oval appears to be a "work-in-progress" but would guess that if the cold weather continues, it should be opening soon.

Last evening we had a knock on the RV door at three different intervals.  The first was a lady from a nearby Yurt, offering us some chocolates and Christmas greetings.  Later in the evening fellow Winter campers (a.k.a. Winter Warriors) John and Nikki brought Christmas Greetings and a nice card.  The third time it was another group of Winter Warriors singing Christmas carols.  How thoughtful of these campers.

We plan to be here until New Year's day and are looking forward to seeing more campers arriving at the Park, as well as the proliferation of wild life.  Last evening as we got ready for bed, three deer appeared on our camp site.  This morning the birds are also finding the freshly filled bird feeders.

Our side door decorations (at home)

Shoveling a path to the bird feeders

Lots of Snow (photo taken last night)

A shot from our RV bedroom window

Snow covered branches just outside our RV bedroom window
Winter Warrior carolers

A hawk that visited our camp site this morning

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